be free


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Belize Issues Support for Ousted Honduran President

posted (June 29, 2009)
The Government of Belize has issued a statement saying it supports Honduran President Manuel Zelaya who was ousted in a coup on Sunday. The statement says, “Belize, in full solidarity with SICA member states, recognizes President Zelaya as the only constitutional president of Honduras and demands his immediate reinstatement.”

Support for president Zelaya has come from throughout the Americas, most prominently, the Alba nations, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua, as well as the US and the Organization of the American States. Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, was very firm in his statement declaring, “we will not accept a return to the past in the continent,” and “in our region, military taken part in coups are not accepted.” The OAS has called a special emergency session of all member states tomorrow and Belize’s Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington is expected to attend.

Yesterday soldiers stormed into the president’s palace in Honduras’ capital and forced president Zelaya, into exile in Costa Rica. Zelaya was trying to amend the constitution to allow re-election and the military and judiciary opposed it. Their decision to oust him has sparked crisis and turmoil throughout the Americas as the coup is being strongly condemned. While regional leaders are all demanding the reinstatement of Zelaya, the Honduran Supreme Court and National Congress both support the military’s actions, and claims they were defending democracy.

Amidst the chaos, a new interim president was sworn in, Roberto Micheletti. When we tried to contact the Honduran Ambassador here in Belize, he was unavailable for comment until Monday of next week.

The last census showed that persons born in Hondurans form the second largest bloc of Belize’s foreign born population.

Friday, June 26, 2009

My road Map to Nicaragua

View Road Trip to ECSL (encuentro centroamericano de software libre) in a larger map

Destination Esteli, Nicaragua fro the ESCL.
and the only Belizean There, representing Belize.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Declaración de Estelí

(soon the English version)


Definiciones: Software Libre: Programa de computación cuya licencia
garantiza al usuario acceso al código fuente del programa y lo
autoriza a ejecutarlo con cualquier propósito, modificarlo y
redistribuir tanto el programa original como sus modificaciones, sin
tener que pagar regalías adicionales a los desarrolladores previos.

Estándares Abiertos: Especificaciones técnicas, publicadas y
controladas por alguna organización que se encarga de su desarrollo,
las cuales han sido aceptadas por la industria, estando a disposición
de cualquier usuario para ser implementadas en un software libre u
otro, promoviendo la competitividad, interoperatividad o flexibilidad.

- II -

Preámbulo: Nosotros y nosotras, integrantes de la comunidad
centroamericana de personas usuarias, desarrolladoras y activistas de
Software Libre nos hemos reunido en la ciudad de Estelí, Nicaragua,
con los siguientes objetivos: reunir experiencias de organización por
parte de las comunidades, compartir conocimiento técnico, crear lazos
sociales y cohesión de ideas en la región y fijar objetivos comunes
para el impulso del Software Libre en Centroamérica.

- III -

Tomando en cuenta que todos los gobiernos de nuestros países han
firmado y ratificado la Carta Iberoamericana de Gobierno Electrónico[1],
enfatizamos en la importancia de recordar las afirmaciones de dicha
Carta en términos de recomendar: "el uso de Estándares Abiertos y de
Software Libre en razón de la seguridad, sostenibilidad a largo plazo
y para prevenir que el conocimiento público no sea privatizado."

- IV -

Considerando también que el uso del Software Libre y Estándares

1. Contribuye a fortalecer a la industria nacional de software.

2. Contribuye efectivamente con la reducción de la brecha social y

3. Permite la interoperabilidad de los sistemas de información del
Estado para dar respuestas rápidas y oportunas a los ciudadanos y
ciudadanas, mejorando la gobernabilidad y la autonomía.

4. Permite mejorar los niveles de seguridad de los sistemas.

5. Es un instrumento para alcanzar la soberanía y autonomía
tecnológica, con una mejor inverisón de los recursos públicos.

- V -

Acordamos instar a los gobiernos, instituciones educativas, centros de
investigación, sociedad civil y a todas las instancias relacionadas de
Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, y
Panamá a que:

1. Se establezca como política de Estado, el uso de Estándares Abiertos
y de Software Libre en la Administración Pública.

2. Se fomente la investigación y el desarrollo de software desde un
modelo de licenciamiento, construcción y acceso libres, desarrollado
con Estándares Abiertos, procurando incentivos especiales para esos

3. Se promueva el uso generalizado del Software Libre y Estándares
Abiertos en la sociedad, capacitando e instruyendo a los usuarios y

4. Se establezcan políticas para incluir el Software Libre desarrollado
con Estándares Abiertos, en los programas de educación básica y
diversificada, bajo los principios de una Educación Tecnológica
inclusiva, creativa y solidaria.

5. Se establezcan dentro de los planes y programas de fomento e
implementación de Software Libre y de Estándares Abiertos, mecanismos
que respeten la identidad, diversidad de contextos, culturas, etnias y

6. Se procure el desarrollo de sistemas operativos y aplicaciones
adecuadas para poblaciones específicas según sus características
étnicas, culturales y socioeconómicas.

7. Que las inequidades sociales en el acceso a la educación y la
tecnología pueden reproducir los modelos patriarcales y que el
Software Libre puede ser una herramienta que aporte a la
participación, autonomía y empoderamiento de las mujeres en la

8. Que no se permita el patentamiento de software y de algoritmos, pues
atenta contra el desarrollo tecnológico de nuestros países y las
oportunidades de nuestra población para convertirse en sujetos activos
en la construcción del conocimiento.

9. Que las instituciones públicas deben compartir la información
referente a solicitudes de patentamiento y modificaciones a las leyes
de derechos de autor, para que esos datos sean accesibles de manera
gratuita y estén disponibles a través de medios digitales, utilizando
Estándares Abiertos.

10. Que la información y los estudios realizados en universidades e
instituciones públicas deben estar disponibles para su uso,
aprendizaje y mejoramiento por ser de interés público.

11. Que los currículums universitarios deben incorporar dentro de sus
asignaturas, los esquemas de licenciamiento libres.

12. Que las universidades deben incluir dentro de las carreras afines
al desarrollo de sistemas, los conocimientos básicos acerca de las
nociones generales de derechos de autor y esquemas de licenciamiento.

Dado en la ciudad de Estelí, Nicaragua, a los veinte días del mes de
junio de dos mil nueve.

[1] Aprobada por la IX Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ministros de
Administración Pública y Reforma del Estado y ratificada en la la XVII
Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno en Santiago,
Chile, el 10 de noviembre de 2007


(image #1)

well after talking with some friends we came to the conclusion that we are going to send invitations through emails to persons we know that are interesting in Linux and are willing to help to start a Group in Belize.
(image #2)

I have started designing some logos so we can use .. so far we don't have a name for our group, we want to decide the name when we meet for our first meeting which is schedules some where around the 1st week of July..

pleas let me know what you think about the logos what does it need what do i need to move rate it i will really appreciate it ..

(image #3)

well its time for me to take a brake for some coffee ..

Creative Commons License
Belize Linux users' Group logo by Belize LUG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ESCL - Day 0

After waiting so much time and counting the days XXD, Finally the first Central American Open Source Summit arrived, all exited that i was i not even did go sleep cause i was packing for my big trip all around Central America in bus witch is known as the "Open Source Bus" by ESCL(encuentro centroamericano de software libre) Community.

After all this fuss i was ready, but still i was so nervous cause; first it was my first time that i was going to travel so far by my self, second i had in mind that i have so much responiblites @ work and third i was thinking if the little pocket money that i was taking will do the trike jeje u know take me to my destination and bring me back home.. jejeje

well the day arrived Tuesday June 16, 2009 all anxious i took my bags and waited for the taxi driver who never appeared i had to go to the highway and look for one by then it was almost 7am and i was waiting sine 5:45am jeje i felt like i will not make it on time to take the micro bus in Melchor De Mencos Guatemala wich was to take me to Santa Elena Peten Guatemala to aboard my Plain that was to take me to Guatemala City (Maya De Oro)jejej.

Once i was in Santa Elena the first thing i did was buy my ticket second i decided that i will treat my self a Burger @ Burger Kind so that was my first lunch for the day with coffee and lots of coffee so i don't fall at sleep cause it was my first time i was to travel during the day.

All exited i spend all my Quetzales so i had to pay a man who was driving a tuck tuck moto taxi and he took me to a ATM machine from there i asked him to take me to buy a Tigo Chip for my phone so i can be in contact with Luis (AKA l.fac) from Guatemala City who was going to give me a place to sleep so i can take the bus.

one in the terminal i called l.fac and told him that i am on my way also i text my mom to tell her that i am on my way and also my special friend in Belize it was an international text.

ooooooh yeah almost forgot jejej i boarded the bus, and like 1 hours of traveling the bus started to give problems jeje yeah i felt nervous cause me by my self not knowing where i am , but the driver called his office and a next bus arrived i was like thanks lots ...

Finally after 8 hours of travel the bus arrived Guatemala and i was happy to be safe in Guatemala..After few calls i meet L.fac in the terminal.. thanks to him i was able to make it to take the Bus that was to take us to Esteli Nicaragua.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ubuntu Installation Lab 2


We have started installing all the computers in campus like we do every summer, with the new Ubuntu version 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), this is lab 2 computers in the pictures which have 38 Computers we have 2 more labs with 40 machines each and 2 staff labs..
Its lots of fun doing what you like do...
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 4:25 pm

Me Nabet here in the office thinking wat a day will it be tomorrow June 3, is it going to rain, will it be Hot?? hmm
its just on of those days that have a big meaning to me, if going back 22 years back in time i was nothing i was new to everything, just a human being exploring the world.

its just a new beginning of responsibilities and dreams coming true every day, and of course celebrating the good and the bad but most of it the happy i am to be who i am now, many people always ignored but i have shown all of them that dreams might not come true but its not hard to try at least we will learn something from it and that makes my days; me trying and trying and of course each try have a step a head.
i am moving slowly but with struggles and enough effort..

yeah its just a new day to celebrate, its not a big party to others but for me it is one, its me moving on and do wat i can do best...

day by day i think about my goals, hmmm the list just to big, but i have them well organized, some of them be happy, make others be happy, live each day, love, effort, education, study, hmm all of them are just like yours or maybe not.. but they are goals that i have and there are other important ones which makes me move on.. its like the fuel of an engine..

goals and dreams might be hard to accomplish or to make it come true but, nothing is impossible if we try hard i mean harder than u tried yesterday.. and u will see that it will make a big difference in your life and it will impact others in a good way..

so live life to the very best and use your energy and power to do good to your self and others..

its me typing this ?
jejej yeah

Happy Birth Day to all of my friends who celebrating this month (JUNE) the list is so big that i cant remember with out looking at my calendar wat a shame to be ur friend true? But no i have never forgotten that i have friends out there..

well nabs it time to go home..


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