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Sunday, August 23, 2009

SUCCESS Drupal workshop..

Friday 21-22 August 2009 the Drupal workshop for the Drupal tour centroamericano was a Success.
it all started at 9 am with some introduction about what is Drupal and why its a good idea to use it .. one of the secure and powerful CMS was introduced to group of people (15) who all showed interest in Drupal and in Open Source software.. we used a Computer lab at Sacred Heart college, where we were using Ubuntu for the attendees to use .. the workshop lasted almost 7 hourse were people got to know about druapal and also on how to use it and how to design a simple personal website.

thanks to Josef D. for the Hard work.

also to all the persons who helped us to make it a success, hope that this will not be the last workshop based on opensource...


Friday, August 14, 2009

Belize LUG community

Come and be part of Belize LUG community ..
BelizeLug is a group of individuals, who are interested in Linux and other free software and who meet regularly to discuss it.activities include encouraging and assisting new users, distributing software,listening to presentations on specific topics,developing projects and socializing.

come and join ....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Drupal Tour Centroamerica 2009

(Josef D.)
"From 1st of August to 9th of September 2009, I'm travelling from Nicaragua over El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize to México. During the trip, I'm doing drupal workshops with people of the free software community.

Del 1 de Agosto hasta el 9 de Septiembre 2009, estoy viajando desde Nicaragua hasta México, pasando por El Salvador, Guatemala y Belize. Realizo talleres de drupal con comunidades de software libre durante este viaje."

El Salvador – 01.08.09 – 10.08.09
06.08.09 - OpenAtrium @ El Gato
07.08.09 - Gira Drupal meets Ubuntu El Salvador - dasjo, Dkcross
10.08.09 - Taller de Drupal en el CiberUES de la Universidad Nacional de El Salvador - dasjo, Gaby
Guatemala – 11.08.09 – 18.08.09 SLGT, Ubuntu Guatemala
13.08.09 - Café Libre en Cuidad de Guatemala
14.08.09 - Conferencia de Drupal en Quetzaltenango
15.08.09 - Taller: Drupal y vos & Administracion de Drupal (Lugusac)

Belize – 19.08.09 – 25.08.09
20.08.09 - Drupal Workshop @ Sacred Heart College - nabs, nabs @ 9:00 Am
21.08.09 - Drupal Workshop @ Sacred Heart College - nabs, nabs @ 9:00 Am

México – 26.08.09 – 09.09.09 Drupal México
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Ver nicaragua-mexico en un mapa más grandeérica-2009

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